Assessment and Mapping of Biomass Energy Consumption in Sri Lankan Industries


Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority has completed the study of ‘Assessment and Mapping of Biomass Energy Consumption in Sri Lankan Industries’.

It presents the findings related to biomass consumption in the industrial sector. Industries studied under the survey were tea, rubber, coconut, textile, major manufacturing industries, power plants, sugar, tile, lime, brick, pottery and others. This study comprised of analysis of data at regional level (up to Divisional Secretary Division), and the outcomes are presented as maps, prepared using a GIS software. Sample survey method was used for data collection and extrapolated to regional level. Analysis and mapping of biomass supply areas and pricing was done as well, in order to study any location based supply issues for different industries.

The citations for further studies should follow as Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority. 2015. Assessment and Mapping of Biomass Energy Consumption in Sri Lankan Industries. Colombo : Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority, 2015. ISBN 978-955-1476-12-0.